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Act Now: Become an Eco-warrior! 


Claudia Riva

Have you ever heard about pollution? Global warming? Deforestation? Zero waste? Sustainable development? All of us have heard these words at least once in our life, mentioned on TV, heard on the radio, read on the Internet or on social media. But do we really understand the meaning of these concepts? 

“Become an eco-warrior” is an eye-opening guide to truly understand today´s environmental problematics and how to contribute to solve them. It will help you to gain knowledge of the science behind certain environmental issues and will help you understand how we ended up having these issues and why they are not yet solved in our modern society.  

This course provides all the basic knowledge to understand how living organisms stay together in the same environment and how nature balances their relationships. Many people like scientists and engineers are working hard every day trying to find a solution to the environmental problems caused by humans not respecting nature´s boundaries. However, every individual´s contribution is essential to give to our children and our planet a better future. In this course you can find plenty of ideas and inspiration for changing your everyday habits into more sustainable ones. You will be impressed by how easy it is to switch to more environmentally friendly alternatives!  

The Teacher’s View

My name is Daria Chekalskaia, I´m an environmental engineer and climate change communicator on different social media platforms. 

The inspiration to create this course came from my daily life. I really try to be a responsible consumer and to act more consciously through my daily actions. With this course, I wanted to provide a general idea of what is really happening to the world and provide concepts to understand what sustainable development is. In my courses, I focus more on explaining how things work rather than giving a list of solutions. Because when you can understand why things are in a certain way, you don´t need to trust other people´s checklists, but you can come up with your own solutions that fit your lifestyle.  

Why should you take this course? If you want to get a broader picture of where we are as humanity and if you want to understand what´s behind all the sustainable habits, such as switching to a plant-based diet, recycling and cutting off plastic, then this is the right course for you! 

Read more about this Micro Course here:


Claudia Riva
Intern | International Services
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences


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