Cornerstones of Finnish Education
Teachers, principals, and other education experts from many countries have been intrigued about Finland’s excellent learning results in international learning comparisons, such as PISA. Not only has Finland managed to combine top learning results with a stress-free and child-centered approach, but Finland has also provided this quality education to all children equally.
Skills you gain
Have understanding and knowledge of Finnish education.
Know what are the key characteristics of Finnish education.
Be able to compare the differences and spot the similarities between Finnish education and your country’s education system.
Shareable Certificate
5 hours
Johanna Järvinen-Taubert
32,00 €
Cornerstones of Finnish Education
Education in Finland is the result of research-based pedagogy and an innovative approach to teaching and learning. This combination supports the creation of excellent curricula and first-rate learning environments and processes.
The course gives an overview of Finnish education and its key characteristics. It explains the founding principles of one of the most successful education systems in the world.
The course is for teachers, principals, and education experts. The course is available in English and in Spanish.
This course is produced by Learning Scoop.
How to pass?
The course is offered as a self-study online course. The course is asynchronous and can be completed at the participant’s own pace during 6 months.
Does this Pro Course interest you? This is what to do!
- Click on the Add to Cart button.
- Pay for the Course according to the online store instructions.
- You’ll receive emails from Edufication. If buying for the first time, please follow the link in order to change your password.
- Go to your Edufication Learner Profile and proceed to the Claned learning platform, take the Course within 6 months and enjoy learning new.
About the instructor
Johanna Järvinen-Taubert
Johanna Järvinen-Taubert, Master of Education. Johanna has worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, and university researcher in the field of education.
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