What type of content to post and when?
This section provides you with information on when is the best time to post on Linkedin. As well as information on what sort of posts to avoid and how people use LinkedIn compared to other social media platforms.
When and what type of content to post?
What to post?
People are most likely to use LinkedIn while having their morning coffee, during lunch and late in the evening. Lunchtime would be ideal time to post. (Edmondson 2021.)
People spend longer times at a time in LinkedIn than in other social media platforms. The time slot spent can be even 45 minutes.
About algorithm: When you write a post, it will first show up for those that you are most connected with. If your post receives engagement from these people, it will be rated as engaging content and have more visibility in their network.
If the post does not receive engagement, it is considered to have low quality and will not be visible for a bigger audience.
When to post?
Video is the most trending content in all social media platforms, also in LinkedIn. Remember to keep it short.
Also, when posting a video, you should introduce with interesting thoughts beforehand.
We use a lot of mobile devices – it might be smart to produce mobile friendly content and to think about the scrolling speed, for example.
Remember to tell about your service or product, BUT do not focus on selling it! By telling about your professionalism behind it, you will get more attention and become appreciated as a professional.
What kind of content to post?
• Video is the most trending content in all social media platform, also in Linkedin. When making video content you should pay attention to the length – keep it short. Also, when posting a video, you should give some interesting pre thoughts about it forehands – couple of roll-in phrases that really catches attention.
• We use a lot of mobile devices – it might be smart to produce mobile friendly content. Forexample to think about the scrolling speed with mobile devices.
A bad example of a LinkedIn post would be, for example, posting or reposting a video without explaining its point and why to watch it. You want to explain the value beforehand, if you want others to open your content and spend their time by watching it.
Edmonson, B. 2021. The Best and Worst Times for Posting on LinkedIn. The balance small business. Article. Available: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/best-and-worst-times-to-post-on-linkedin-2531450 .