Etusivu - My Courses - Quiz: your own communication culture
Quiz: your own communication culture

In this quiz, you need to consider certain features of the communication in your own community. There are no right or wrong answers. The end result reveals how different your own culture is compared to the Finnish communication culture.
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Question 1 / 12
1. Question
When I see my closest colleagues in the morning, I greet them using their names, with a phrase like “Hello, Mary”, or “Good morning, Mrs Smith”.OikeinVäärin -
Question 2 / 12
2. Question
When my colleague is explaining something to me, I automatically say small things back to him or her, such as in English ‘yeah’, ‘right’, ‘okay’, ‘mhmm’, ‘uhum’, or ‘I see’.OikeinVäärin -
Question 3 / 12
3. Question
In my community, it is customary among friends and family that people often speak over each other.OikeinVäärin -
Question 4 / 12
4. Question
It is customary in a cafe that the waiter addresses the customer with words like ‘madam’ or ‘sir’.OikeinVäärin -
Question 5 / 12
5. Question
If I cannot find an item in a shop, I would rather ask the shop assistant than keep searching myself.OikeinVäärin -
Question 6 / 12
6. Question
in my culture, it is important to know the people’s titles in the workplace and use them (e.g. Director, Doctor).OikeinVäärin -
Question 7 / 12
7. Question
The way I speak to person depends significantly on their status; are they higher or lower in the hierarchy than me.OikeinVäärin -
Question 8 / 12
8. Question
The way I speak among friends and family compared is very different from how I speak to strangers.OikeinVäärin -
Question 9 / 12
9. Question
Two weeks ago, I agreed to meet a friend tomorrow. It is good idea to check today that their plans have not changed.OikeinVäärin -
Question 10 / 12
10. Question
In general, people can be trusted.
OikeinVäärin -
Question 11 / 12
11. Question
A seven-year-old child does not need learn to walk to school independently; their parents will take themOikeinVäärin -
Question 12 / 12
12. Question
It is okay that men and women have different roles in society.OikeinVäärin