TOPICS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Final part
Finnish is not like many other European languages. It has unique origins and special linguistic features. Let’s learn them together! The first module of this course consists of the following:
1.1 Video: Origins of the Finnish language
1.2 Rehearsal area
1.3 Video: Special features
1.4 Rehearsal area
1.5 Video: Pronunciation
1.6 Good to know: Pronunciation with examples
1.7 Good to know: How to write Å, Ä and Ö with your keyboard?
1.8 Comment area: Share your thoughts!
1.1 Video: Origins of the Finnish language
How Finnish is different from English? This video presents that Finnish is different from most European languages.
1.2 Rehearsal area
Congratulations! You’ve just learned a lot about the special features of the Finnish language. You Finnish linguistic journey is just beginning.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
You can activate your learning with these questions as many times as you want.
Show your best!
- What was your first impression of the Finnish language?
- Did you know that J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Lord of the Rings, possessed a special affinity for Finnish language? When he discovered Finnish, he said: “It was like discovering a wine-cellar filled with bottles of amazing wine of a kind and flavour never tasted before. It quite intoxicated me.”
- What was your first impression of the Finnish language? Was it similar to Tolkien? Are you inspired and intoxicated too?
- True or false?
- Finnish is similar with most European languages and some languages spoken in the Middle East.
- True or false?
- Finnish belongs to the Uralic language family.
- True or false?
- There are almost six million Finnish speakers in the world.
- True or false?
- Visiting Finland is not very easy for non-Finnish-speakers, because many Finns don’t speak other languages.
1.3 Video: Special features
How Finnish is different from English? This video presents some of the Finnish language’s special features.
1.4 Rehearsal area
Congratulations! You’ve just learned more about the special features of the Finnish language.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
You can activate your learning with these questions as many times as you want.
Show your best!
- True or false?
- Letter “å” is the so-called Finnish “o”, it is used only in original Finnish names.
- True or false?
- The vowel “ä” should be said like the vowel in the middle of the word “cat”.
- True or false?
- The vowel “ö” should be said like the indefinite article “a” (eg. a cat).
- True or false?
- Vowel harmony means that we always put A and Ä or O and Ö in the same word
- True or false?
- Typically, Finnish words are quite long.
- True or false?
- Like in English, also in Finnish are separate words for “he” and “she”.
- True or false?
- In Finnish, we can use suffixes to describe location and directions.
- True or false?
- Typically, Finnish uses definite or indefinite articles.
1.5 Video: Pronunciation
How Finnish is different from English? This video presents the Finnish alphabet and pronunciation.
1.6 Good to know: Pronunciation with examples
Pronunciation with examples, retrieved from .
Listen and repeat!
If needed, check the translations from a dictionary.
1.7 Good to know: How to write Å, Ä and Ö with you keyboard?
Check how to write Å, Ä and Ö with you keyboard, retrieved from,%C3%84,_and%C3%96,%C3%84,_and%C3%96
1.8 Comment area: Share your thoughts!
Check the material and write your comments:
Where do you come from?
What kind of similarities you can find between Finnish and English or your native language?
What is different and how?
Do you recognize the borrowed words?
After that, practise your pronunciation! Start by reading aloud the Finnish alphabet and learning the new words.
To leave your comment to material start by highlighting the text with your cursor and select Comment from the pop-up menu. Then write your comment to the field. You can view and reply to others’ comments.
2 How to be polite in Finnish?
Learn how to be polite in Finnish! The second module consists of the following material:
2.1 Video: Greeting
2.2 Rehearsal area
2.3 Video: Thanking and offering
2.4 Learn the words!
2.5 Mandatory test: Politeness
2.1 Video: Greeting words
How to be polite in Finnish? This video presents simple greeting words.
2.2 Rehearsal area
After the video, talk to someone near you. When you start the conversation, use one of the Finnish greeting words. If you are alone, call someone and start the phone call with a Finnish greeting!

2.3 Video: Thanking and offering
How to be polite in Finnish? This video presents some simple ways of thanking and offering.
2.4 Learn the words!
2.5 Mandatory test: Politeness
Congratulations! You’ve just learned a lot about politeness in Finnish.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
There are 9 questions including multiple choices to answer. You can earn 1-3 points per question. Please note that 50% correct answers guarantee passing the test.
You can try the test as many times as you want. This test is mandatory, if you want to receive a certificate.
Show your best!
- “Hello” in Finnish?
- How can you translate the word “hello” in Finnish?
- Hei!
- Hei hei!
- Moi!
- Näkemiin!
- Terve!
- How can you translate the word “hello” in Finnish?
- The best greeting word in this situation?
- Which are the best greeting words in this situation?
- Hyvää päivää!
- Päivää!
- Hyvää huomenta!
- Huomenta!
- Hyvää yötä!
- Which are the best greeting words in this situation?
- The best greeting word in this situation?
- Which is the best greeting word in this situation?
- Hyvää huomenta!
- Hyvää päivää!
- Hyvää yötä!
- Tervetuloa!
- Terve!
- Which is the best greeting word in this situation?
- “Thanks” in Finnish?
- How can you translate the word “thank you” in Finnish?
- Ole hyvä!
- Kiitos!
- Terve!
- Kiitti!
- Huomenta!
- How can you translate the word “thank you” in Finnish?
- “Please” in Finnish?
- Perhaps surprisingly the Finnish language does not have a word for “please”, but in most of the cases one of these expressions are as good as. Which is the best translation for “please”?
- Kiitti!
- Ole hyvä!
- Hyvää yötä!
- Näkemiin!
- Huomenta!
- Perhaps surprisingly the Finnish language does not have a word for “please”, but in most of the cases one of these expressions are as good as. Which is the best translation for “please”?
- More formal variant?
- These words mean the same but are used in different contexts. Which variant is more formal?
- Kiitos!
- Kiitti!
- These words mean the same but are used in different contexts. Which variant is more formal?
- The most formal variant?
- These words mean the same but are used in different contexts. Which variant is the most formal?
- Moi!
- Päivää!
- Terve!
- These words mean the same but are used in different contexts. Which variant is the most formal?
- More formal variant?
- These words mean the same but are used in different contexts. Which variant is more formal?
- Näkemiin!
- Hei hei!
- These words mean the same but are used in different contexts. Which variant is more formal?
- How to reply?
- If someone says “Mitä kuuluu?”, how do you reply?
- Kiitos!
- Kiitti!
- Ole hyvä!
- Tervetuloa!
- Kiitos, hyvää!
- If someone says “Mitä kuuluu?”, how do you reply?
3 Introducing myself in Finnish
Learn how to introduce yourself in Finnish! The third module consists of the following material:
3.1 Video: My name is…
3.2 Comment area: Who are you?
3.1 Video: My name is…
How to introduce yourself in Finnish? This video presents some simple ways of making someone’s acquaintances.
3.2 Comment area: Who are you?
Check the material and write your answer in Finnish:
Hei! Kuka sinä olet?
Ask someone else’s name in Finnish.
Say “Nice to meet you!” in Finnish.
After that, practice your pronunciation! Start by reading and learning the new words.
To leave your comment to material start by highlighting the text with your cursor and select Comment from the pop-up menu. Then write your comment to the field. You can view and reply to others’ comments.
4 Countries, nationalities, and languages
Learn the Finnish names for other countries, nationalities and languages. The fourth module consists of the following material:
4.1 Video: Countries
4.2 Good to know: List of countries
4.3 Rehearsal area: Countries
4.4 Video: Nationalities
4.5 Rehearsal area
4.6 Video: Languages
4.7 Good to know: List of languages
4.8 Rehearsal area
4.9 Video: Exceptional forms
4.10 Good to know: Some exceptions
4.1 Video: Countries
How do you say in Finnish “where you come from”? This video has the answers!
4.2 Good to know: List of countries
List of countries, retrieved from
4.3 Rehearsal area: Countries
From the video 4.1, you learned useful some useful sentence structures: Let’s have a test! If I ask you “Mistä maasta sinä tulet?”, how would you answer in Finnish?
Please check the additional study material 4.2 or an online dictionary and find out your country’s name in Finnish. When you have figured out the answer, write it down and after that watch the next video.
It’s good to remember that the Finnish names for countries are not always the same names as in English. Most European countries have a Finnish name/form. So, the first thing to do is to find out what is the Finnish name for a country.
- Mistä maasta sinä tulet? Answer in Finnish.
- From the previous video, you learned useful some useful sentence structures: Let’s have a test! If I ask you “Mistä maasta sinä tulet?”, how would you answer in Finnish? When you are ready, watch the next video.
4.4 Video: Nationalities
How to say in Finnish what is your nationality? This video presents some simple ways of doing that.
4.5 Rehearsal area: Nationalities
From the video 4.3, you learned useful some useful sentence structures: Let’s have a test! If I ask you “Minkä maalainen sinä olet?”, how would you answer in Finnish?
Please check the additional study material 4.2 or an online dictionary and find out your home country’s name in Finnish. When you have figured out the answer, write it down and after that watch the next video.
It’s good to remember that the Finnish names for countries are not always the same names as in English. Most European countries have a Finnish name/form. So, the first thing to do is to find out what is the Finnish name for a country.
- Minkämaalainen sinä olet? Answer in Finnish.
- From the previous video, you learned useful some useful sentence structures: Let’s have a test! If I ask you “Minkämaalainen sinä olet?”, how would you answer in Finnish? When you are ready, watch the next video.
4.6 Video: Languages
How to say in Finnish what languages you speak? This video presents some simple ways of doing that.
4.7 Good to know: List of languages
List of languages, retrieved from
4.8 Rehearsal area: Languages
From the video 4.6, you learned useful some useful sentence structures: Let’s have a test! If I ask you “Mitä kieltä sinä puhut?”, how would you answer in Finnish?
Please check the additional study material 4.7 or an online dictionary and find out the names of the languages in Finnish. When you have figured out the answer, write it down and after that watch the next video.
It’s good to remember that the Finnish names for languages are not always the same names as in English. So, the first thing to do is to find out what is the Finnish name for a language.
- Mitä kieltä sinä puhut? Answer in Finnish.
- From the video, you learned useful some useful sentence structures: Let’s test! If I ask you “Mitä kieltä sinä puhut?”, how would you answer in Finnish? When you are ready, watch the next video.
4.9 Video: Exceptional forms
As with many languages, Finnish has linguistic rules and also exceptions to those rules. This means that some of the words might not always behave as expected when you are learning the language. This video presents one such word! The name “Suomi” or Finland acts strangely with vowels: “Minä tulen Suomesta, minä olen suomalainen ja minä puhun suomea.”
4.10 Good to know: Some exceptions
Learn the words, check the exceptions
5 Numbers
Learn the numbers in Finnish! The fifth module consists of the following material:
5.1 Video: Numbers
5.2 Good to know: Numbers 1 – 10 00 000
5.3 Good to know: Pronunciation
5.4 Rehearsal area
5.5 Mandatory test: Numbers
5.1 Numbers in Finnish
For everyday communication, it is important to know the names of numbers. This video helps you with that.
5.2 Good to know: Numbers 0 – 10 000 000
Learn the numbers in Finnish and how they are used.
5.3. Good to know: Pronunciation
Pronunciation of numbers, retrieved from .
Listen and repeat!
If needed, check the translations from a dictionary.
5.4 Rehearsal area
From the previous video 5.1, you learned numbers in Finnish and some some useful sentence structures.
Please check the additional study material 5.2 or an online dictionary and find out the right answers.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
You can activate your learning with these questions as many times as you want.
Show your best!
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 0
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 1
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 2
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 3
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 4
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 5
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 6
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 7
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 8
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 9
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 10
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 11
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 20
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 100
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 300
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 1000
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 4000
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 1 000 000
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 5 000 000
- Answer the question!
- Answer the question: Mitä Diavola-pitsa maksaa? Write the whole sentence: Se maksaa…
5.5 Mandatory test: Numbers
From the previous video 5.1, you learned numbers in Finnish and some some useful sentence structures.
Please check the additional study material 5.2 or an online dictionary and find out the right answers.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
There are 15 questions including open space and multiple choices to answer. Please note that 50% correct answers guarantee passing the test.
You can try the test as many times as you want. This test is mandatory, if you want to receive a certificate.
Show your best!
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 1
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “kymmenen” means
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 2
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “kahdeksan” means
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 3
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “kuusi” means
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “kuusitoista” means
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “sata” means
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 100
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “kahdeksansataa” means
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “seitsemänkymmentä” means
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 1000
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer: the word “yhdeksäntuhatta” means
- Write in Finnish!
- Write the number in Finnish: 1 000 000
- Answer the question!
- Answer the question: Mitä Capricciosa-pitsa maksaa? Write the whole sentence: Se maksaa…
6 Places and services
Learn the names for important places and services! The sixth module consists of the following material:
6.1 Video: Places and services
6.2 Rehearsal area
6.3 Mandatory test: Places and services
6.1 Places and services
For everyday communication, it is important to know the names for important places and services. In this video, we’ll go through some of the more important words.
6.2 Rehearsal area
Check the material, learn the new words and write your comments:
Which words should be listed among Top-20 “The most important place and service names”?
If it is possible, give translations in English, too.
After that, practice independently any new words and test your skills.
To leave your comment to material start by highlighting the text with your cursor and select Comment from the pop-up menu. Then write your comment to the field. You can view and reply to others’ comments.
6.3 Mandatory test: Places and services
From the previous video, you learned Finnish names for important places and services.
Please check the additional study material 6.2 find out the right answers.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
There are 15 questions including open space and multiple choices to answer. Please note that 50% correct answers guarantee passing the test.
You can try the test as many times as you want. This test is mandatory, if you want to receive a certificate.
Show your best!
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a hotel
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a bar
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a cafe
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a shop
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a hospital
(Select the right answer! In Finnish this is… (requires images when quizzes will be made))
7 Traffic and transportation
Learn the names for important places and services! The seventh module consists of the following material:
7.1 Video: Places and services
7.2 Rehearsal area
7.3 Mandatory test: Traffic and transportation
7.1 Traffic and transportation
For everyday communication, it is important to know words related traffic and transportation. In this video, we’ll go through some of the more important words.
7.2 Rehearsal area
Check the material, learn the new words and write your comments:
Which words should be listed among Top-20 “The most important traffic and transportation words”?
If it is possible, give translations in English, too.
After that, practice independently any new words and test your skills.
To leave your comment to material start by highlighting the text with your cursor and select Comment from the pop-up menu. Then write your comment to the field. You can view and reply to others’ comments.
7.3 Mandatory test: Traffic and transportation
From the previous video, you learned Finnish words for traffic and transportation.
Please check the additional study material 7.2 and find out the right answers.
Now as a quick reminder, answer these questions to review all the things you just learned.
There are 15 questions including open space and multiple choices to answer. Please note that 50% correct answers guarantee passing the test.
You can try the test as many times as you want. This test is mandatory, if you want to receive a certificate.
Show your best!
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: an airplane
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a seat
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a car
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: a taxi
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Select the right answer!
- Select the right answer! In Finnish this is…
- Write in Finnish!
- Write in Finnish: border customs, duty
The course is almost over and it’s time to wrap things up. This course is assessed on the scale Pass/Fail. Please don’t forget to complete all mandatory activities to receive certificate via email.
If you wish to learn more about Finnish language, please check the recommended material for independent studies and join other Xamk Pulse Micro Courses on similar topics.
We hope you have enjoyed this course, learned new Finnish skills and expanded your vocabulary. It was our pleasure to take these steps together with you!
Make us happy and give us some course feedback! Kiitos ja näkemiin!
Course feedback
Good to know: Recommended material for independent studies
Recommended material for independent studies, retrieved from
Good to know: Recommended videos for independent studies
Recommended videos for independent studies, retrieved from .
Listen and repeat! If needed, check the translations from a dictionary.