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Summary: What to post?

What kind of content to post?

• It can be difficult to know whether your content is more suitable for FaceBook or for LinkedIn. Match your tone of voice with your personal professional brand.

• Emphasize and provide information with value.

5 ideas for posting engaging content

1. Challenges in your professional field

The first idea is challenges in your professional field: This is something that people are really interested in. For example, the field of communication involves many challenges to discuss: the competition is hard, there are always more applicants than jobs. The first idea is challenges in your professional field: This is something that people are really interested in.

2. Your professional field in general

Good content can also be about your professional field in general: What is it like, and are there common misunderstandings and myths about the field? You can share ideas on such topics.

3. Personal challenges and/or stories

Also personal challenges or stories that interest people are good content. I, for example, love to follow one person who tells about his challenges as an immigrant and in trying to find a job/career in the new country.

4. Problem-solving cases

The fourth idea is about solving possible problems. People can be a little reserved, if your posts are direct selling. However, you can attract interest by explaining how they could solve a possible problem. You can for example share the story behind your company’s product not just concentrate on selling the product.

5. Content that builds trust

The last idea is about content that builds your customers’ trust in your business. This is crucial, if you are expanding to a new country. You can tell about your company values, how you run your business, actual cases etc. Consider using your whole staff for this instead of using only the CEO as a spokesperson. People might relate to your message more strongly when they hear it from all the staff, not just the top managers.