How to teach soft skills?
This course is about soft skills. You will learn what soft skills are as well as why and how you can teach them to your students. Soft skills are interpersonal skills like emotional skills, teamworking or problem-solving skills. These skills are important for children both now and later in their life. Therefore, to ensure children’s healthy self-development and improve their future prospects, they should be taught at school.
Skills you gain
You will learn to recognize soft skills
You will learn to teach soft skills to students at various class levels
10 tuntia
Kati Keski-Mäenpää
40 €
How to teach soft skills?
This course is produced by Edufication and Learning Scoop.

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About the instructor
Kati Keski-Mäenpää
Your instructor is Kati Keski-Mäenpää, who holds a doctoral degree in education, with a focus on pedagogy and teacher training.
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