WoManager – Design Your Career
It is time to take matters into your own hands! We encourage you to design and create your own career path and find meaning in your working life. With the help of this course, you will learn more about self-development, self-management, lifelong learning and career design. This course is perfect for women, who are interested in self-development and are looking for new views on the topic.
Skills you gain
Where are you now in your life and professional career and where do you hope to be?
What are the skills and competences in demand in the future working life?
How to plan and navigate occupational options that suite your personal skills and interests to create a successful career?
Shareable Certificate
10 hours
Kaija Villman
0,00 €
WoManager – Design Your Career
Achieving a certificate
The Micro Course is assessed on the scale Pass/Fail. Receiving a certificate via email requires completing all mandatory activities, and at least 50% of them correctly.
Does this Micro Course interest you? This is what to do!
- Click on the Add to Cart button.
- Pay for the Course according to the online store instructions.
- You’ll receive emails from Edufication. If buying for the first time, please follow the link in order to change your password.
- Go to your Edufication Learner Profile and proceed to the Claned learning platform, take the Course within 6 months and enjoy learning new.
WoManager Micro Course is co-developed in Time4Help Finland: Service Business, Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders and OVI: Exporting Expertise and Know-how from South-Savo projects. Time4Help is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the South Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and OVI by the European Regional Development Fund and the Regional Council of South Savo.
About the instructor
Kaija Villman
Project Manager, M.A. Kaija’s field of expertise is service design and entrepreneurship.
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